ZIV delivers MV automation intelligent electronic devices for the Puglia Active Network deployment in Italy
- Location: Puglia, Italy
- Custormer: Enel Distribuzione
- EPC / Partner: N/A
- MV Automation System: ZIV
- Keywords: RGDM, IEC61850, GOOSE, Distributed MV Line Automation, PAN, Puglia Active Network
An advanced directional fault passage detector able to trip a MV circuit breaker and isolate the faulty section of the network
Puglia Active Network (PAN) project
Apulia is the first region in Italy in terms of installed photovoltaic power plants (2,661 MW, in May 2019) and wind farms (2,555 MW in May 2019) and has the highest production level from these plants. The increased amount of energy produced by distributed energy resources (DER) requires a novel active management of the network. The result is the Puglia Active Network (PAN) project.
Most important expected benefits are: quality of service improvement, increase of the hosting capacity and optimization of the energy efficiency (losses reduction)
An advanced directional fault passage detector able to trip a MV circuit breaker and isolate the faulty section of the network
ZIV is a regular partner of ENEL for its MV Automation projects. Our ADF device (RGDM according to the ENEL’s nomenclature) was designed to participate in the framework contract that ENEL launched in 2015. ADF product was qualified and ZIV entered in the vendor list among other suppliers of the framework contract for this solution. The contract was later extended in 2017 and ZIV has delivered more than 3,000 units of the ADF to ENEL.
The IED’s main functionality is its advanced directional fault passage detector which is able to trip a MV circuit breaker and isolate the faulty section of the network. This is achieved thanks to the innovative use of the GOOSE messages defined in the standard IEC 61850-90-6.
Each ADF is installed in the circuit breaker of the outgoing MV feeder in secondary substations. The ADF monitors and controls the associated MV switch. In the event of a fault downstream the ADF’s connection point, it is detected by the IED which immediately issues an IEC61850 GOOSE message to block the tripping of the breakers upstream. If the device does not receive such a message trips the breaker and interrupts the fault current. This method ensures that the breaker which operates is the one closest to the fault, therefore minimizing the affected portion of the grid.
The ADF can be installed in secondary substations, as well as in active and passive MV users.
A close collaboration ENEL – ZIV
ZIV and ENEL have partnered for the development of the ADF/RGDM working closely from the specifications to the deployment of the devices in the field. The result is a an advanced IED, which will be extensively used in ENEL and its subsidiaries worldwide.
PAN Project: https://www.e-distribuzione.it/it/progetti-e-innovazioni/PAN/il-progetto-pan.html
About ZIV
ZIV Aplicaciones y Tecnologia is a company that designs, manufactures, and supplies, among other goods, equipment and cabinets for the protection and control of electrical substations. A technology partner with the knowledge, experience, and resources necessary to deliver solutions that provide intelligence, resilience and reliability to electrical systems worldwide