ZIV is an active agent for the communities in which operates, offering customers innovative, efficient and environmentally friendly solutions with the environment and worrying that the professionals within the company can perform their jobs safely.

Since 2006, ZIV is part of the United Nations Global Compact, an international initiative aimed at achieving a voluntary commitment of entities in social responsibility through the implementation of Ten Principles based on human, labor and environmental rights and the fight against corruption

Key Initiatives

The promotion of initiatives that generate greater and better impact as an organization and company have been present throughout ZIV´s history. All these actions are perfectly integrated into the normal management of the company, reinforcing the principles and values that govern us. This year we are working in 5 key initiatives:

  • The Global Compact: promotion of its 10 principles.
  • Community Projects: We are currently preparing a new project to make a donation to a Community Project, to be selected from the proposals made by the workers of the company.
  • ZIV collaborates with local Universities and Vocational Training Centers, to incorporate students, trained in the company without completing his studies. E.g. FUNDACIÓN NOVIA SALCEDO, nonprofit foundations, to promote employment. We incorporate recent graduates without experience, with a scholarship.
  • ZIV collaborates with several special employment centers, manufacturing hiring of equipment for the employment of people with disabilitiesE.g. LANTEGI BATUAK. a non-profit organization whose aim is to promote and achieve social integration and employment for people with disabilities.
  • Sustainability: Recycling is essential for the company , therefore we have recycling points, by waste type. This year we have reduced the use of plastic in the manufacturing of meters.

United Nations Global Compact

Antislavery and human traficking

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