SEE16 - Slide Grid et infrastructures




ZIV CONFERENCE | Elsa Herbrich. | Wednesday, June 1st. 12.30 Pavillon Grid & Infrastructures.

MV PLC technology for a future proof electricity distribution grid.


Utilities require massive communication service capabilities in order to implement the smart grid deployments. Among several technology and business models available, some DSOs are deploying private telecommunication networks based on Medium Voltage (MV) powerline communications (PLC).

Currently there are successful MV PLC telecommunication network deployments, but their future may be unclear due to several factors.

  • How will the evolution of MV PLC technologies be if their baseline technologies are led by consumer applications?
  • Is there room for DSO private networks with the irruption of tailored telecommunication services provisioned by public network carriers?
  • How does the cost and effort required to deploy these networks compare with other options available?

Furthermore, regulation efforts for the allocation of spectrum for utility MV communication services are still ongoing. Utilities need to lead the evolution of MV PLC technologies for deploying future-proof private telecom networks. They cannot rely on technology vendors whose main business is in-home networking applications.

The presentation will introduce a new PLC technology specially tailored for MV grid applications. Utilities have been very successful in leading the technology evolution for LV PLC communications. PRIME and G3-PLC are very good examples of this success.

The PLC technology proposed can be a good starting point for a MV PLC technology whose the focus is a future proof electricity distribution grid.

We will be happy to meet you there: Wednesday, June 1st. 12.30 Pavillon Grid & Infrastructures. Stand D16.



SMART ENERGIES EXPO 2016 D16 May 30 - May 31, 2016 Espace Grande Arche, PARIS SMART GRIDS, DAS
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